Tour Isla Bonita in Iquitos 4 days and 3 nights all inclusive


About this tour

  • Start: Pick up from the door of your hotel in the city of Iquitos (at 8.45 a.m.).
  • Duration: 4 days.
  • Type of transport: Tourist transportation by land and boat through the waters of the Amazon River.
  • Tickets (included): All entrance tickets included in the tour.
  • Tour guide: Professional guide in English or Spanish.
  • Tourist lodging: Includes 3 nights at a tourist hotel in Iquitos.
  • Feeding: Includes 4 lunches and 3 breakfasts.
  • Tourist attractions to visit: Bora Native Community, Pilpintuwasi Butterfly Farm, Kukama tribe, Yaguas Native Community, Monkey Island, Javier Serpentarium, Amazon River, Amazon Forever Bio Park Center.
  • Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, PayPal.
  • Tour from 2 people.
  • Immediate confirmation.


  • Get to know the great diversity of the Amazon rainforest in one of the most visited tourist attractions in Peru, the ‘beautiful island’ of Iquitos. There, in a tropical environment and surrounded by vegetation, you will enjoy 3 days full of memorable experiences: It includes a visit to the Bora Native Community, the Yagua Native Community, as well as Animal Rescue Centers where you can experience Amazonian species such as the sloth bear, the anaconda, the electric eel, the pink dolphin, the paiche, the caiman, the manatees and more. The tour lasts 3 days and includes 3 lunches and 2 breakfasts. During the adventure the visitor will navigate the waters of the famous Amazon River, the largest in the world. The service includes 2 nights in a tourist hotel in the city of Iquitos (2 star service, comfortable and clean).

This is the experience

  • The Isla Bonita Tour in Iquitos 4 days and 3 nights offers an experience surrounded by nature, plants and animals in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon, the city of Iquitos, known as the ‘Isla Bonita’ for being surrounded by the waters of the Amazon River. The first day you will visit the waters of the Nanay and Momon rivers where you will observe the sloth bear and the native community of the Boras. The second day you will visit the Pilpintuwasi Rescue Center and Butterfly Farm, as well as the Kukama aboriginal tribe. On the third day, we continue our tour along the waters of the Amazon River to visit the native community of the Yaguas, as well as the island of the monkeys. On the fourth and last day we will visit the Amazon Forever Bio Park where we will see the manatees, as well as native plants and trees. The tour package includes 3 Amazonian lunches, 2 continental breakfasts, as well as 2 nights in a comfortable tourist hotel in the city of Iquitos. Get to know the best tourist attractions of the Peruvian Amazon!


DAY 1:

  • Day 1 of the tour begins with the pick up of the visitor from the door of his hotel at 8.45 in the morning. Then the transfer is made to the Port of Bellavista in Nanay. There you will enjoy a jungle gastronomic experience ‘Gastronomic Express Tour’ with traditional dishes such as: tacacho, suri, grilled alligator, grilled Amazonian fish, etc..
  • Then the adventure continues to the port of Nanay. There the visitor will board a boat to navigate in the dark waters of the Nanay River and, later, through the brown waters of the Momon River.
  • There, in the ‘Trapiche de Momón’, there will be a stop to enjoy aphrodisiac Amazonian drinks (famous for their exotic flavors). You will also have an experience with trees and medicinal plants.
  • Continuing with the tour you will enter the Javier Serpentarium where you will have contact with rescued species such as the sloth bear, the anaconda, monkeys and more.
  • One of the most fun and cultural moments of the tour will be when visiting the Bora Native Community, famous for its typical dances and handicrafts. The tourist will be able to dance with the members of the tribe and enjoy a moment full of learning.
  • You will also be able to visit an artisanal ornamental fish aquarium where you will have contact with species such as the paiche or the electric eel.
  • On the way back, the visitor will enjoy a tourist lunch before being transferred by boat and car to the door of his hotel, where he will arrive at around 4 pm.

DAY 2:

  • On the second day, the visitor will enjoy a continental breakfast in the dining room of the hotel. Then, transfer to the Bellavista Nanay Port where you will board the river until arriving at the Pilpintuwasi Butterfly Rescue Center and Butterfly Farm.
  • There, tourists will enter a cage surrounded by thick vegetation where they will observe the metamorphosis process of butterflies. In addition, you can interact with species such as monkeys, birds and even jaguars rescued from the Amazon.
  • Then, visitors will appreciate a thematic presentation on the customs and beliefs of the Kukama tribe, a native tribe that will invite visitors to participate in their dances, traditional costumes and handicrafts.
  • After a day full of experiences we take the tourist boat to return to the city of Iquitos through the waters of the Nanay River. Before the visitor will enjoy a typical jungle lunch in a tourist restaurant in Iquitos.
  • At around 5:00 p.m. the visitor will return to his hotel in Iquitos, the “Isla Bonita” (beautiful island).

DAY 3:

  • On the third day the tourist will also enjoy a continental breakfast at the hotel. Then, the tourist transportation will pick you up at the door of your hotel in the city of Iquitos.
  • Land transportation will take you to the port of Bellavista Nanay where you will board a boat to navigate the waters of the Amazon.
  • The first stop will be at Fundo Pedrito. There, visitors will have an experience with rescued species such as caimans and paiche.
  • Another of the most memorable moments of the tour will be when you will have a cultural experience with the Yagua Native Community. Through their customs, dances and handicrafts, the visitor will learn more about the Amazonian culture in Iquitos.
  • Continuing with the route you will arrive at the Monkey Island. There the visitor will have contact with beautiful species of primates, such as: the choro monkey, the titi monkey, the stump monkey, the howler monkey, etc. You will be able to take unforgettable pictures!
  • On the way back to Iquitos, through the waters of the Amazon, the visitor will enjoy typical Amazonian dishes, such as juane or tacacho with jerky.
  • At around 5:00 p.m. the visitor will return to his or her hotel in Iquitos.

DAY 4:

  • On the fourth and last day of the tour, the visitor will enjoy a continental breakfast at the hotel. Afterwards, the tourist transportation will pick you up at the door of your hotel.
  • Sailing through the waters of the Amazon River, we will arrive at the Amazon Rescue Center (CREA). There, several species of animals are rescued, such as the manatee, a species in danger of extinction. The experience includes learning about the process of rescue, protection and release of various Amazonian species, and you will also be able to take beautiful pictures!
  • The next place to visit will be the Ethnobotanical Circuit. There the tourist will learn more about the properties of the hundreds of species of trees and plants in the Amazon. You will be able to try the healing properties of some of the plants. Also, you will visit the Huayo Forest (beautiful wood carvings).
  • On the way back, the visitor will enjoy a tourist lunch before being driven to his tourist hotel or to the airport in the city of Iquitos.
  • End of tour.


  • 3 nights in a tourist hotel in the city of Iquitos.
  • Pick up from the hotel door for each excursion.
  • Transfer to the hotel door at the end of each excursion.
  • Tourist transportation by minivan in Iquitos.
  • Tourist transportation by boat on the Amazon River and other rivers.
  • Professional tour guide service for each excursion (Spanish or English).
  • Entrance ticket to all tourist attractions.
  • 4 tourist lunches.
  • 3 continental breakfasts.
  • Pick up or transfer to Iquitos airport (at the beginning or end of the tour).
  • Tips.
  • Souvenirs.

What to bring?

  • Appropriate clothing for tropical weather (sneakers, sandals, polo shirt, shorts).
  • Hat or cap for sun protection.
  • Sun block.
  • Insect and mosquito repellent.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Poncho in case of rain (especially in January, February and March).
  • Passport or identity card.
  • Camera.
  • Snacks and rehydrating drinks.
  • Identity card or passport.
  • Adequate backpack.
  • Cash.

Where does the tour start and end?

  • The Isla Bonita tour in Iquitos lasts 4 days. It starts with the pick up of the visitor from the door of his hotel in the city of Iquitos at 8.45 in the morning. If the tourist has just arrived in Iquitos, he/she can also request the pick up from the airport at the scheduled time in advance.
  • In turn, the tour ends with the return to the door of the tourist’s hotel in Iquitos. You can also request a transfer to the Iquitos airport at a previously scheduled time.

How to prevent altitude sickness?

  • The city of Iquitos, called the “Isla bonita” (beautiful island), is located at 105 meters above sea level, so there are no symptoms of altitude sickness or mountain sickness.

Group or private services

  • Would you like to take the Isla Bonita tour in Iquitos 4 days All Inclusive in private service? Contact us at or (+51) 982 108 083.

Frequently questions

Why is Iquitos called the ‘beautiful island’?

Iquitos is called ‘The capital of the Peruvian Amazon’ because it is located in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon and surrounded by deep vegetation, as well as rivers, especially the mighty Amazon. For this reason, it is also called ‘Isla bonita’ (beautiful island).

What tourist attractions are included in the Isla Bonita Tour in Iquitos 4 days and 3 nights All Inclusive?

The tour offers several tourist attractions, such as: Bora Native Community, Pilpintuwasi Butterfly Farm, Kukama tribe, Yaguas Native Community, Monkey Island, Javier Serpentarium, Amazon River, Amazon Forever Bio Park Center.

Does the Isla Bonita Tour in Iquitos 4 days and 3 nights All Inclusive include lodging?

Yes, the tour offers 3 nights hotel accommodation in the city of Iquitos (comfortable and clean service highly recommended).

Can I cancel the Isla Bonita Tour in Iquitos 4 days and 3 nights All Inclusive?

Yes, you can cancel this service by sending an e-mail request to The request is sent with 5 days as the last deadline. The cancellation penalty is 25% of the value of the service (refund of 75% of the total value of the service).

Is it allowed to modify the date of the Isla Bonita Tour in Iquitos 4 days and 3 nights All Inclusive?

Yes, you can change the date -or the name of the people who will perform the service- if you request it by e-mail to The request is sent with five days as the last day allowed. The penalty for modification is 25% of the value of the service.

How can I pay for the Isla Bonita Tour in Iquitos 4 days and 3 nights All Inclusive?

You can make the payment of the Tour Isla bonita in Iquitos 4 days and 3 nights All Inclusive through the Machupicchu Terra web reservation form. The payment methods allowed are: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club or PayPal.

Does the Isla Bonita Tour in Iquitos 4 days and 3 nights offer meals and beverages?

The service includes 4 Amazonian tourist lunches and 3 continental breakfasts. During the lunches, alcoholic beverages are not included.

When is the best time to visit Iquitos in Peru?

The city of Iquitos in the Peruvian Amazon can be visited any day of the year. From November to March the rains are more frequent. From April to September, they are less frequent so they are more recommended days for sightseeing.

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