The trips to Manu begin
Manu or Manu National Park, It is one of the best options that you can make since the month of May. At the beginning of this month, this route was enabled because during the rainy months (January, February, March) it is difficult to reach this natural sanctuary since some highways are blocked or detached. Although this last for some seems to matter little. Manú is one of the natural reserves that is home to a large number of species of mammals, birds, reptiles and flora. Not for nothing, it is considered the most biodiverse place on the planet.
There are two million hectares in which the human being cannot interfere. In case you dare to visit this place, we recommend you do it through a travel agency. They will offer you different alternatives to enhance your vacation, they will also allow you access to the Manu Reserved Zone, where you can appreciate all the vegetation and different species of animals in their wildest state, don’t be surprised if on your trip you can see spectacled bears, giant otters swimming, a black caiman and some jaguars playing or swimming in the river. We cannot forget one of the endemic birds of Peru: the cock of the rocks.
Magical mountains that you can visit from the month of May

Cusco is located in the Andes Mountains, so very close to the same city you can already see beautiful landscapes and snow-capped mountains. The rainy season is over and it is now possible to do great hiking trails, both in Cusco and in Ancash and Arequipa. You may also find tours that will take you to the main viewpoints of the snow-capped mountains. Although with the scarce rains it is already possible to visit these places without any setbacks and you can do it in the company of the whole family, always with the forecasts of the case.
The 7 colors mountain is a truly magical destination. The trip from Cusco is in the direction of the South Valley, for at least 3 hours, by bus or car. After making the respective breaks for breakfast, the walk through the Andes begins. To do this tour you will need to wear clothes for the cold and preferably in layers. Getting to this mountain does not require much physical preparation, just proper acclimatization. During our ascent, we will be able to see many travelers of different ages and nationalities. Every year the number of foreign tourists who are encouraged to visit it increases because the landscape, from more than 5,200 meters above sea level, gives the feeling of being on top of the world.
A similar experience is what we find on the way to the Humantay Lagoon, to get to this place we have to take the opposite path, like who leaves from the north of Cusco. The travel time by car or bus is similar, the difference is on foot, since it has a more ascending path that complicates walking a bit. This route is only during the first section of the walk, after that it is easier. This lagoon is beautiful because it has a turquoise hue and behind it is the snowy Salkantay, giving a quite beautiful natural landscape. These two places that we have just presented are among the most requested, along with this, a lot of tourists come who are encouraged to visit Peru, having Cusco and Machu Picchu as their main destination.
In the month of May, all visits to the mountains or hiking trails can be made without any problem. The options are multiple such as doing the Inca trails or visiting the Huascarán, Salkantay or Ausangate snow-capped mountains. Remember that other options you can do is visit the beaches of northern Peru or other destinations in the region of Iquitos and Amazonas.
May also begins with faith and miracles
In the month of May, you can find very important religious activities for Peruvians and visitors who believe in the Catholic Church. Peru, being a colony, shows the world an incredible syncretism of religious activities that can be seen on important dates. The way of expressing them is done through religious ceremonies and festivities that reveal customs acquired from the Catholic paradigm and the Andean world. A spectacular example of this is the one that can be seen in the following celebrations.
The first of these religious activities has to do with the visit of pilgrims to the Blessed Virgin of Chapi, faith and devotion move many people, all of them go to the district of Polobaya in the Arequipa region , every first of May. Thousands of people from Arequipa and from nearby regions travel to Arequipa and then leave in the direction of the temple of this Virgin, who, for the people of Arequipa, is in charge of protecting them from tremors since this region is located on the Nazca tectonic plate. There are two options to visit it, some prefer to do it by bus and others as a penance, they cross the desert for more than 10 hours on foot before arriving at Polobaya.
It is well known that the heroic and beautiful city of Arequipa is home to many destinations that you can visit in a single day, the examples that we recommend are the Ruta del Sillar or the Valley of the petroglyphs. Another option is to visit the different viewpoints of Arequipa and even the condor viewpoint in Colca. Finally, the option that you never lose is to visit the colonial and religious constructions that embellish the entire white city, such as the Barrio de San Lázaro. And you cannot forget to taste the Arequipa gastronomy.
The second, occurs almost immediately, the Cruz Velacuy, is carried out in different regions, but we can see that there is a lot of emphasis and dedication in the Cusco region. The Cruz Velacuy or Fiesta de la Cruz, although a more accurate translation is that of “Velación de la Cruz”, is an activity that does not bring large conglomerates of people. Different neighborhoods are organized on the same day, in some cases an entire district comes together and if there are enough people. This celebration consists of paying homage to the main cross, establishing an ideal space for it. This cross is said to be in charge of protecting a neighborhood, a community or a district.
In some cases, the same offering and worship are made to other sacred symbols that belong to the church, although it is rare to see. These activities begin on May 2, when the faithful go to watch over the cross, during the night they accompany the cross with hot drinks and in some cases with a band of musicians. The next day, that is, on the morning of May 3, these crosses are taken to the main churches and temples so that they receive the blessing and continue to protect the faithful. After that, the cross is returned to its place with decorations corresponding to the current year and the festivity concludes with a feast of food, dances and music.

Other activities that you can do if you arrived in Cusco in May is to visit the amazing archaeological sites of Cusco, there are many of them and they are all part of the imposing empire that was built in these valleys. The options are multiple, from destinations for the whole family to hiking or hiking to get to Machu Picchu. It is also possible to do activities such as horseback riding or driving an ATV, all very close to the city of Cusco.
A third religious celebration takes place on May 28, it is known as the festival of El Señor del Espíritu Santo y de las Cruces, which takes place in Huancavelica, this festival unlike those we can find In Cusco it does congregate a large number of Huancavelicans and visitors from other regions and countries. This festivity has to coincide with Pentecost Sunday. As in Cusco, they lower the crosses from the mountains to have them blessed at holy mass. All these activities are accompanied by bands of musicians, prayers and meetings of associations or communities. To finish these activities they do them with a bullfight and different dances typical of the region. You can also visit places like the Raimondi Puya Forest, the thermal baths, the archaeological site of Uchkus Inkañan and more.