November begins remembering the dead
This festivity is not only held in Peru, but in much of Latin America with roots in the Catholic Church. Another activity that takes place on these dates is the preparation of Tanta wawa, this special way of making bread is characteristic of many Andean regions such as Cusco, San Martín, Ayacucho, Junín, Pasco and others. It is also normal to find these breads in bakeries in other regions, since they have a special recipe, which makes it quite pleasant. These breads are made with the purpose of creating a link between the dead and the living.
Many of the houses that no longer have the physical presence of a loved one, set up tables with food in their homes and some reason to help remember who is no longer there. All the things that are left on the table are considered as offerings since on the first day of November the dead return to their homes to visit their families. The spirits or souls sit at the table and taste everything that was served to them.
In some regions, the day of the living is also celebrated, which would be celebrated on the first of November. Although there is no clear consensus for this celebration, it is the proper vespers where the living make all the preparations to receive the spirit or souls of all those who no longer inhabit the earthly world.
Regarding the beginning of this festivity, it seems that this date is accepted as such worldwide. In different cultures, especially throughout the American continent, similar activities are carried out, the Andean culture coincided in this way with the Catholic one or probably the church simply adopted it to gain more followers.
November is a special month to visit the cities of Lima and Arequipa
You may wonder why we recommend these two cities, the answer is simple, November is the perfect month to take a tour of their respective historical centers. Both cities are a clear sample of the colonial architecture and the clear example of the colonial constructions to the modern ones. But that’s not all, the weather during the month of November in these two cities is really special, because it is mild, ideal for walking around the city.
In the city of Lima, the capital of Peru, you can take different tours, but a special one is to take tours of the city and learn more about the history of its founding and the battles that were fought in this territory. In case you are not attracted to know the past. One option will be to walk through Barranco at sunset alone or with your partner. Lima, being already considered a metropolis, hosts tourists from all over the world, in this sense, you will also be able to meet many new people and cultures.

For its part Arequipa, it maintains an important essence of a new city, which partly decides to remain reserved in the face of strong changes. In this sense, through the streets of Arequipa you will enjoy a wonderful sun that does not suffocate you or be annoying. There is no shortage of attractions in this city, there are museums and churches that will help you better understand the history of this region and also of Peru.
In case you decide for something more adventurous, you can go to the sea and enjoy the sand on the Anniversary of Camaná, which is celebrated on November 9 since its Spanish foundation in 1539. The celebration activities begin from the last week of October with a poetry declamation contest and sports activities such as mass cycling. Close to the main day, a drawing contest is held, Miss Camaná is chosen and on November 9, the day closes with serenades and fireworks.
November is the ideal time to avoid the cold
Peru is a country with many climates, as we have just seen, it is possible to avoid some climates by choosing the activity or destination to which to go. Something similar happens when you decide to travel to the regions of Huánuco and Huancavelica, regions that are generally very cold and complicate the trip for some visitors. Although in the first one it is made up of a territorial part of the jungle, but the part of the mountains does harbor low temperatures.
A point to visit in Huánuco is Huánuco Pampa, here you can see different Inca constructions, one of them is where a very important control point or citadel was erected. Other destinations that you cannot miss in Huánuco are La Casa de la Perricholi, the archaeological site of Kotosh and if you decide to go to the jungle, the Tingo María National Park awaits you. Visiting these destinations in November are easier.
Huancavelica is located between the Ayacucho and Lima highway. It is over 3676 meters above sea level. In this region it is quite cold, but in the month of November the cold is more bearable just like a farewell to spring. Here you can visit destinations such as the Uchkus Inkañan archaeological center, the Inca Wasi archaeological complex. It will also be possible to visit the Church of Huaytará, a colonial construction on the foundations of an Inca temple, the walls used by the Inca architects are still maintained.
Other destinations in the central Andes are, for example, the Otishi National Park, which is located in the Vilcabamba mountain range, thus joining the regions of Cusco and Junín on the eastern slope. This nature reserve has its main attractions which are the waterfalls. The most popular, due to its height and attractiveness, is the Pavirontsi Stone Bridge, it is a tunnel formed by large stones through which the water moves before descending more than 200 meters. The only way to get to this place is through the guidance of the Ashanincas. Although the route is complicated, it is worth it, because it is the result of entering the Peruvian jungle with little human presence.
Since we are in the center of Peru, we cannot fail to mention the Cerro de Pasco region, which also has a part of the mountains with very low temperatures and also a jungle area that rises from the high mountains of the Andes. If you decide to travel to this place, one option is to visit the Yanachaga Chemillénm National Park, which is home to a large amount of flora and fauna that unfortunately is in danger of extinction.

In Pasco it is also recommendable to enjoy the activities of its anniversary, which celebrates its appointment as a department or region of Peru every November 27. Its celebration is special because both geographical areas come together, the Andes and the jungle. You can take advantage of your visit to Pasco to visit Oxapampa and the Huayllay National Sanctuary.
Important events that take place in November
An event that increasingly attracts more athletes from around the world is the Amazon Race Forest, consisting of a series of marathon circuits from 5 to 45 kilometers for the most expert. It takes place in the San Martín region, the area where the competition takes place is the Cordillera Escalera Regional Conservation Area. In this way, the municipalities in charge seek to contribute to the development of tourism and at the same time generate environmental awareness through sports.
Every November 4, the uprising of Tupac Amaru II is celebrated, being one of the most important precursors to achieve the independence of Peru, In some districts of Cusco such as Yanaoca or Tinta, activities are held in his honor. Also on these dates the Anniversary of Puno is celebrated, as a city, Puno is home to many destinations, but the most popular are the islands of Lake Titicaca. During the anniversary of this city, they celebrate with music, fireworks, the streets are decorated, parades are held and tourist routes are promoted.