Tours that include Ancash (Huaraz)

The Ancash region and its capital the city of Huaraz have some of the best tourist experiences in Peru. Huaraz (3,052 meters above sea level) especially offers some of the most challenging and exciting hiking routes in the country. The routes that run through the Cordillera Blanca and the Huascarán National Park stand out. There you can see spectacular landscapes such as the colorful lagoon of Churup, lagoon 69, the Pastoruri snow-capped mountain, the archaeological site of Chavín de Huántar or even the Huascarán, the highest snow-capped mountain in Peru. Learn about the tours included in the Áncash region!

1 Day

Tour hike to Churup lagoon in Huaraz

1 Day

Tour hike to Laguna 69

1 Day

Tour Pastoruri glacier

1 Day

Tour Chavín of Huántar

1 Day

Tour Llanganuco Lagoon

Tour prices in Ancash, Huaraz

The best way to get to know the tourist attractions of the Ancash region is through a tourism agency. The most popular tours are those that include lagoon 69, the colorful lagoon of Churup and the Llanganuco lagoon. In addition, you can visit the Huascarán National Park. Find out the prices of the main tourist destinations in the Áncash region.

Tours to Piura
1 DayTour hike to Churup lagoon65 USD60 USD
1 DayTour hike to Laguna 6935 USD30 USD
1 DayTour Pastoruri glacier35 USD30 USD
1 DayTour Chavín of Huántar35 USD35 USD
1 DayTour Llanganuco Lagoon40 USD30 USD

The provinces and tourist attractions of the Áncash region

The department of Ancash has a coastal strip but the Andean mountain range is the main geography, which occupies 72% of the territory. Ancash covers 20 provinces. Its capital is the city of Huaraz, from where you can visit the different tourist attractions in the region. Get to know them!

Main tourist attractions
AijaMulluhuanca Viewpoint, Marcaqhotu Ruins, Cochwas Ruins, Manllash Viewpoint.
Antonio RaymondiYanacocha Lagoon, Shushucocha Lagoon, Tacshmarca Archaeological Site, Shelmi Archaeological Site.
AsunciónNevado de Hualcán, Copa Norte (snowy), snowy Contrahierbas, snowy Perlilla.
BolognesiThe Huayhuash Mountain Range, Usgor Waterfall, the San Juan Cruz viewpoint, Chiquián town, Capillapunta archaeological site, Chiquián temple.
CarhuazHualcán Gorge, Rajun Paquinan lagoon, 513 lagoon, Winoyo lagoon, Honcopampa Archaeological Complex.
Carlos F. FitzcarraldRío Yanamayo, Main Square of San Luis, Pakayacu bridge, Konchucos.
CasmaCerro Sechín Archaeological Complex and Max Uhle Site Museum, The villages Archaeological Zone, Huaro spa, Tortugas spa.
CorongoRutu lagoon, Carangay lagoon, Huinchus lagoon, snowy Rosko Grande, snowy Pajra.
HuarazNevado Pastoruri, Cordillera Blanca, Huascarán National Park, Churup lagoon, Ichic archaeological site, City of Huaraz.
HuariChavín de Huántar archaeological complex, Marca Jirca Ruins, Yunguilla petroglyphs.
HuarmeyCircuit of beaches of Huarmey, Los Gavilanes, Lomas de Cóndor, Punta Lobitos port.
HuaylasCatucancha Viewpoint, Archaeological remains of Tumshucaico, Amauta Museum of Ancashino Art, Nevado de Huandoy, Nevado Huascarán, Quebrada Santa Cruz, archaeological center of Baños.
Marshal LuzuriagaNevado Taulliraju, Nevado Chacrarraju, Garcilaso pyramid, Huecrorocha lagoon.
OcrosPampa Marca archaeological site, Misquipuquio Lagoon, Jaracocha Lagoon, Yanacocha Lagoon, Pampa de Chonta.
PallascaPashas archaeological site, La Galgada archaeological site, Chuncana archaeological site.
PomabambaPomabamba thermal baths, the Amanicos caverns of Kurwas, archaeological remains of Awkin Marca, archaeological remains of Rayo Gaga.
RecuayConococha (lagoon), Querococha, Puya Raymondi forest, La Gruta de San Francisco, Archaeological remains of Pueblo Viejo.
SantaPunkurí archaeological complex, Pañamarca citadel, Waullac archaeological complex, Huaca de San Pedro, Castillo Santa, Serpent Hill.
SihuasArchaeological remains of Cipa, Archaeological remains of Pumahuasi, church of Virgen de las Nieves of Sihuas, Inca platforms of Cashmarca.
YungayLlanganuco Lagoon, Nevado Huascarán, Campo Santo, Guitarrero Cave, Huansakay Ruins.

All the activities you can do on your trip to the Áncash region!

Áncash offers different tourist attractions that are visited by both Peruvian and foreign tourists. The main destinations are located around the city of Huaraz. Find out what activities you can do during your visit to Áncash!

What tourist services does a tour to Áncash have to include?

The main tourist attractions in the department of Áncash include a visit to the city of Huáraz, the Llanganuco lagoon, the laguna 69, the colors of Churup, Chavín de Huántar and more. The services must be serious, safe and well organized by a formal tourism agency. These should include:

  • Pick up the tourist from their hotel in the city of Huaraz.
  • Tourist transportation in round trip service.
  • Entrance to the different tourist attractions to visit.
  • Professional bilingual tour guide service (Spanish or English).
  • Tourist hotel or camp (for tours and treks of more than 1 day).

The main tourist attractions of the Áncash region (Huaraz)

The Andean and mountainous geography of the Áncash region offer some of the most popular tourist attractions in Peru. Places such as the Huascarán National Park, the Chavín de Huántar archaeological site, the Pastoruri snow-capped mountain and more stand out. Get to know them!

Cañon del Colca

Huascarán National Park

The Huscarán National Park is a chain of mountains and snow peaks in the central part of Peru. It is famous for hosting the highest snow-capped mountain in the country, Huascarán (6,768 meters above sea level). There you can take incredible hiking routes, some of the most famous in Peru.

Yanahuara Viewpoint

Nevado Pastoruri

The Pastoruri snow-capped mountain is one of the most famous in the so-called Cordillera Blanca in the Áncash region. It is located at 5,240 meters above sea level with a prominence of 120 meters. Your visit offers amazing landscapes as well as an example of the consequences of climate change due to the decrease in snow.

Monastery of Santa Catalina

Chavín de Huántar

Chavín de Huántar is one of the most famous archaeological sites in Peru. It is located in the district of Chavín and in 1985 it was declared a World Heritage Site. It belonged to the Chavín culture as an administrative and religious center. The heads clavas and the Lanzón Chavín are famous.

Questions and answers about the trip to the Áncash region (Huaraz)

The department of Áncash and its capital of the city of Huaraz are visited by Peruvian and foreign tourists. However, there are still many questions about its tourist destinations, hotel services, restaurants and more. Learn more about the Áncash region in Peru!